Friday, January 04, 2008

January 1, 2008

WELL, 2007 was my second full yaer of training for and doing Triathlons. I set all the goals that I had intended to which included doing a long bike ride of 60+ miles, finishing an Olympic Tri and completing the Detroit Free Press Marathon.

I have also been competing in the USAT National Winter Competition and my off season training is more consistent, particularly in the swim and bike. I need to get out and run. My running is non-existent.

In 2008, I plan to again do the Detroit Marathon, and also a couple of half-ironmans, particularly the Steelhead half.

My weekly off-season training looks like this.

Sunday - Run x miles
Monday - Swim in the morning and Bike an hour in the evening
Tuesday - Run x miles
Wednesday - Swim in the morning and Bike an hour in the evening
Thursday - Run x miles in the evening
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Swim and Ride for an hour or more